Lets Make Rhodes Mem Beautiful Again II
Saturday 15 April 9.30 to 2pm
It’ll be 2 years on Saturday 15 April (Sunday 18 April 2021) that the Devils Peak Fire damaged Rhodes Memorial grounds and burnt the thatch roof of the Tea Room.
Help us weed, and straighten up the Tea Room Gardens so that we can start serving light meals and coffee to raise funds to petition SANParks to take responsibility to rebuild this Cape and World Famous landmark.
Bring a fun attitude, a rake, gloves, pruning cutters, black bags, anything you think you would like to use on site.
Our Rhodes Trailer will provide you with refreshments and free cool drink to help work along.
Where: Rhodes Memorial Tea Room
When: Saturday 15 April 9.30 am to 2pm
Please could you confirm your interest or ask questions to Gabriel at info@friendsofrhodesmemorial.co.za