In December we had 4 volunteers getting stuck into a hugely neglected Rhodes Memorial. The day started clipping overgrown trees, pulling out dead bushes with huge amount of rubbish. In addition to this we pulled out masses of weeds in the front of the Memorial. What was worrying is that there was a tree that was growing on the right side of the wall under the blocks of granite that was worrying. As the day and heat progressed we were able to pull out the weeds on the granite blocks, as well as sweep dense banks of pine needles that had piled up, in these banks were 2 to 3 large spiders that we found new homes for.
All in all the day was successful many people people stopped and thanked us for the work done.
In essence there is still a lot of work to be done, the gardens have been very neglected, there or tons of deadwood infront that could be cleared. The should also be a Speckboom that died years ago, a new one should be planted. So much to do, so little resources… Despite all the blisters and sunburn nothing beat the feeling or weary hands and limbs, having fought a good fight and taking care of something so beautiful.
Contact us for the next clean up date – probably in spring when the weather clears. We look forward to seeing you there! Contact us on info@friendsofrhodesmemorial.co.za