Lets make Rhodes Memorial beautiful again!

Rhodes Memorial FlashMop #4

Sunday 07 August 10 am

The Friends of Rhodes Memorial would like to invite you and your friends to help make Rhodes Memorial beautiful again after the destructive fire of 18 April 2021 and its subsequence neglect and the felling tender who left this beautiful heritage site in a mess. Rhodes Memorial and its Restaurant is a world renowned and much loved “Slice of Heaven” and with your help for a few hours we can put it back on track, pull out weeds and remove wood.

Where: Rhodes Memorial upper parking lot
When: Sunday Morning 10am, 07 August 
What to bring: Water, gloves a hat bow saws, plant cutters.
What you get: Some delicious Rhodes Coffee and Tea

For more information email info@friendsofrhodesmemorial.co.za
or call Gabriel at 0721820234